Kelompok Keahlian Teknik Pertambangan
Simon Heru Prassetyo, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D.
- NIP :
- Email : simon(at)mining.itb.ac.id
- Kelompok Keahlian : Teknik Pertambangan
- Bidang Keahlian : Geomekanika Terowongan dan Metode Numerik
- Status : Pengajar Tetap
- Ext. Ruang :
Pendidikan :
- Non-degree. (University of New South Wales, Australia, 2007),
- ST. (ITB, 2008),
- M.Sc. (West Virginia University, USA, 2011),
- Ph.D. (Colorado School of Mines, USA, 2017).
Publikasi :
- Prassetyo, S.H. and Gutierrez, M. (2017). Axisymmetric ADE scheme for efficient coupled simulation of hydro−mechanical interaction in geotechnical engineering − Application to circular footing and deep tunnel in saturated ground. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, accepted.
- Prassetyo, S.H. Gutierrez, M., and Barton, N. (2017). Nonlinear shear behavior of rock joints using a linearized implementation of the Barton−Bandis model. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 9(4);671−682.
- Prassetyo, S.H. and Gutierrez, M. (2016). Effect of surface loading on the hydro−mechanical response of a tunnel in saturated ground. Underground Space, 1(1); 1−19.
- Prassetyo, S.H. and Gutierrez, M. (2017). Effect of transient coupled hydro-mechanical response on the convergence-confinement and longitudinal displacement profile of deep tunnels in saturated ground. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Under Review.
- Prassetyo, S.H. and Gutierrez, M. (2017). High-order ADE scheme for solving the fluid diffusion equation in non−uniform grids and its application in coupled hydro−mechanical simulation. Int. Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, Under Review.
- Prassetyo, S.H. and Gutierrez, M. (2017). Transient hydro-mechanical response of an advancing tunnel in deep saturated ground. International Journal of Geomechanics, Under Preparation.