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Dr.Eng. Tri Karian, S.T., M.T.

Kelompok Keahlian Teknik Pertambangan

Dr.Eng. Tri Karian, S.T., M.T.

  • NIP : 198704222014041001
  • Email : tri_karian (at) mining.itb.ac.id
  • Kelompok Keahlian : Teknik Pertambangan
  • Bidang Keahlian : Perencanaan Tambang
  • Status : Pengajar Tetap
  • Ext. Ruang :

Pendidikan :

  • ST. (ITB, 2009),
  • MT. (ITB, 2013),
  • Dr.Eng. (Kyushu University, 2016).

Publikasi :

  • Sasaoka T., Karian T., Hamanaka A., Shimada H., Matsui K., Ichinose M., 2016, “Effect of Mine Water on the Stability of Underground Coal Mine Roadways” Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Vol.34, Issue 2, pp.671-678.
  • Karian T., Shimada H., Sasaoka T., Wahyudi S., Qian D., Sulistianto B., 2016, “Countermeasure Method for Stope Instability in Crown Pillar Area of Cut and Fill Underground Mine” International Journal of Geosciences, Vol.7, No.3, pp.655-659.
  • Sasaoka T., Karian T., Hamanaka A., Shimada H., Matsui K., 2016, “Application of Highwall Mining System in Weak Geological Condition” International Journal of Coal Science & Technology, DOI: 10.1007/s40789-016-0121-6.
  • Sasaoka T., Karian T., Amarsaikhan T., Hamanaka A., Shimada H., Matsui K., 2015, “Study on Improvement of Dumping Site Stability in Weak Geological Condition by Using Compacted layer” Open Journal of Geology, Vol. 5, No.3.
  • Sulistianto, B.; Karian, T.; Kardiansyah; Hiayatullah, S.; and Widhy, S. (2013). Optimalization of Outpit Dump at Asam-Asam Open Pit Coal Mine, PT. Arutmin Indonesia, Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences, vol. 7, pp. 53-59.
  • Karian, T.; Habeahan, T. M. P.; Sulistianto, B.; and Kramadibrata, S. (2013). Surface Subsidence Analysis due to Longwall Underground Coal Mining Method in PT. Gerbang Daya Mandiri, Tenggarong, East Kalimantan, Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences, vol. 7, pp. 47-52, Feb.2013, Kyushu University Global COE Program, ISSN 1884-6300.