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Dr.mont. Andy Yahya Al Hakim, S.T., M.T.

Kelompok Keahlian Eksplorasi Sumberdaya Bumi

Dr.mont. Andy Yahya Al Hakim, S.T., M.T.

  • NIP : 119 110 063
  • Email : andyyahya (at) mining.itb.ac.id
  • Kelompok Keahlian : Eksplorasi Sumber Daya Bumi
  • Bidang Keahlian : Mineragrafi, Geologi Ekonomi, Geokimia
  • Status : Dosen Tetap
  • Ext. Ruang :
  • Gedung Energi FTTM ITB Lantai 3

Pendidikan :

  • ST. (ITB, 2011),
  • MT. (ITB, 2013),
  • Dr.mont. (Montanuniversitaet Leoben, 2017).

Publikasi :

  • Hakim, A.Y.A., Melcher, F. 2020. Geochemical signatures related to Awak Mas orogenic gold deposit, Indonesia. 36th International Geological Congress, 2-8 March 2020, Delhi, India (oral)
  • Hakim A.Y.A., Melcher, F. 2019. Linking Raman Spectroscopy, Electron Microscopy And Ore Textures – The Case Of The Epithermal Deposit In North Maluku, Halmahera, Indonesia. MGEI 11th Annual Convention, September 24-26th 2019. p31-35. Bogor, Indonesia. (talk).
  • Hakim, A.Y.A., Iskandar, I., Aprillia, P., Yaroseray, K., Notosiswoyo, S., Kusumo, M.B., Iskandar, C. 2019. Rare earth elements, O-H stable isotopes and gas analysis of Patuha geothermal field, West Java, Indonesia: An insight into the geochemical features and genetic process. 2nd International Congress on Earth Sciences. Bali, Indonesia. 18-20 November 2019. p130-131.
  • Iskandar, I., Gultom, T.H., Casanova, B., Mustiatin, Septianto, C.P., Hakim, A.Y.A., Aprillia, P., Notosiswoyo, S. 2019. Application of Deuterium, 18O and 13C isotopes to define surface watergroundwater interaction and tracing groundwater flow path. 2nd International Congress on Earth Sciences. Bali, Indonesia. 18-20 November 2019. p131.
  • Iskandar, I., Zulkhoiri, A., Aprillia, P., Notosiswoyo, S., Ashuri, W., Septianto, C.P., Hakim, A.Y.A., Mustiatin. 2019. Dissolved 222-radon dan 13-carbon isotope analyses of cold and hot springs water to clarify origin of fluids and hydrogeological system at geothermal site. 2nd International Congress on Earth Sciences. Bali, Indonesia. 18-20 November 2019. p132.
  • Gultom, T.H., Iskandar, I., Casanova, B., Hakim, A.Y.A., Mustiatin, Iklima, N.N., Notosiswoyo, S. 2019. Hydrogeochemistry and dissolved rare earth elements analyses for water rock interaction determination and recharge mechanism of groundwater. 2nd International Congress on Earth Sciences. Bali, Indonesia. 18-20 November 2019. p160.
  • Andy Yahya Al Hakim. 2019. Mineralogi. Buku 212 Halaman.
  • Aprilia, P., Hakim, A.Y.A., Kubo, T., Prabowo, T.R., Hafizh, A., Ridhoni, R., Iskandar, I. 2019. Preliminary Results of Soil Gas 222Rn and Hg Measurement for Permeable Zone Delineation at Patuha Geothermal Field. 8th ITB International Geothermal Workshop 2019. ITB. Bandung.
  • Hakim A.Y.A., Melcher, F., Prochaska, W., Bakker, R,J,, Rantitsch, G. 2018. Formation of epizonal gold mineralization within the Latimojong Metamorphic Complex, Sulawesi, Indonesia: Evidence from mineralogy, fluid inclusions and Raman spectroscopy. Ore Geology Reviews. Elsevier.
  • Hakim, A.Y.A., Septianto C.P., Febrianto N.F., Iskandar I., Notosiswoyo, S. 2018. Geochemical features and genetic process of hot-spring waters from the Patuha geothermal field, West Java, Indonesia. Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Mineral Exploration. Division of Exploration Technology (DETEC) of Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan (MMIJ). Japan.
  • Melcher, F, Prochaska, W, Raith, J, Thalhammer, O, Mali, H, Hakim, AYA, Altenberger, F, Berger, M, Grafinger, S, Hampl, F, Lamprecht, C, Layr, K, Pupp, M & Steiner, T. 2018. Mineral Deposits of Lapland: Excursion Guide of the Montanuniversität Leoben. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, vol. 164, pp. 77-100.
  • Hakim, A.Y.A., Melcher, F., Onuk, P. 2018. Trace element systematics of zoned pyrite and albite from the epizonal orogenic gold mineralization within the Awak Mas District, Sulawesi, Indonesia. MGEI Southwest Pacific Resources 2018. MEGI. Makassar.
  • Hakim AYA, Melcher F, Prochaska W, Bakker RJ, Rantitsch G. 2017. The origin and evolution of fluids associated with gold deposits in the basement of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Proceedings of the 14th SGA Biennial Meeting. Québec City. Canada.
  • Hakim AYA, Melcher F. 2017. Timing of mineralization and origin of hydrothermal carbonate at the gold deposits within the Latimojong Complex, Indonesia. 2nd Postgraduate conference on Geology of Ore Deposits. Hannover. Germany.
  • Hakim AYA, Melcher F. 2017. Magmatic chromian spinel in metabasite from the Latimojong Mountains, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft 163:42.
  • Hakim AYA, Melcher F. 2016. The composition of gold and mercurian rich tetrahedrite from the sedimentary hosted disseminated gold in Latimojong mountain, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. 1st Postgraduate conference on Geology of Ore Deposits. Freiberg. Germany.
  • Hakim AYA, Melcher F. 2016. The Sallu Bulo Mesothermal Gold Deposit in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. GeoTirol 2016. Innsbruck. Austria.
  • Widayat, A.H., Anggayana, K., Syafrizal, Heriawan, M.N., Hede, A.N.H, Hakim, A.Y.A., 2013. Organic Matter Characteristics of the Kiliran and Ombilin Oil Shales, Indonesia. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 6, 91-96.. DOI: 10.1016/j.proeps.2013.01.013 .
  • Hakim, A.Y.A.; Heriawan, M.N.; Indriati, T.; Darma, D.B.; Sanjaya, M. (2013). Mineralogical Observation of Fe-Skarn Deposit in Lhoong Prospect, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Indonesia, Proceedings of International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2013, Fukuoka.