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Dr. Ir. R. Budi Sulistijo, M.App.Sc.

Kelompok Keahlian Eksplorasi Sumberdaya Bumi

Dr. Ir. R. Budi Sulistijo, M.App.Sc.

  • NIP : 196209231987031001
  • Email : budis (at) mining.itb.ac.id
  • Kelompok Keahlian : Eksplorasi Sumberdaya Bumi
  • Bidang Keahlian : Geologi Terapan
  • Status : Pengajar Tetap
  • Ext. Ruang : 127

Pendidikan :

  • lr. (ITB, 1986),
  • M.App.Sc. (Univ. of New South Wales, Australia, 1990),
  • Ph.D. (University of New South Wales, Australia, 1994).

Publikasi :

  • Taruna Fadillah, Budi Sulistijo, Sudarto Notosiswoyo, Ary Kristanto, and Anna Yushantarti (2015). The Resistivity Structure of Alluvial in Geothermal Prospect Using Time Domain Electromagnetic Survey, Proceeding World Geothermal Congress 2015, Melbourbe Australia, 2015.
  • Adriyanto D KUSUMO, Budi SULISTIJO and Sudarto NOTOSISWOYO (2014). Numerical Modelling of Upsidence echanism in Underground Coal Mine in Indonesia, Proceeding of CINEST Interntional Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2014, Fukuoka, Japan.
  • Sulistijo, B. & Anwar, Choirul (2012). Integrated Site Investigation Method to analyze subsurface condition for the belt conveyor, Proceedings of International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2012, Bandung.
  • Adriyanto D KUSUMO, Budi SULISTIJO and Sudarto NOTOSISWOYO (2012). The Conceptual Method of Cross well seismic Reflection for the Underground Coal Mine Planning in Indonesia, , Proceedings of International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2012, Bandung.